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The Irishman Chosen As Whiskey Brand Of The Year
Carlow, Ireland
New York, November – Walsh Whiskey Distillery are thrilled to announce the news that The Irishman Brand has been chosen as Best Irish Whiskey Brand of the Year in the highly accredited New York International Spirits Competition.
In its 6th year, the New York International Spirits Competition had the task of having to taste, evaluate, and judge almost 500 of the world’s best-distilled spirits covering over 35 countries who submitted their brands to be critiqued by a hand-selected panel of A-List and key TRADE ONLY judges.
“This year’s significant increase in submissions is a clear sign that the industry truly recognizes and appreciates NYISC’s overall philosophy of judging for real sales impact,” says Adam Levy, founder of the NYISC.
Woody Kane of Wash Whiskey Distillery said, “It is a great honour and privilege to be awarded Irish Whiskey Brand of the Year as part of this high end competition. We have great faith in our brand and it is great to have the confirmation of how it is working in the market.”