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Walsh Whiskey Community Successfully Raises €16,000 for Seriously Ill Children Under 5
International Walsh Whiskey community raises €16,000 in just over month to fund 1,000 homecare hours for young children with highly complex medical conditions and their families, through the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation
Carlow, Ireland
The international Walsh Whiskey Community has successfully raised funds to support 1,000 nursing hours, in just over a month, for the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation in support of seriously ill children under 5 years old and their families. To raise the money, Bernard & Rosemary Walsh, founders of Walsh Whiskey (Writers’ Tears & The Irishman), set up a raffle and donated their personal collection of all 9 vintages of Writers’ Tears Vintage Cask Strength, super-premium whiskey produced since 2011. When bottled later this year, the 2020 vintage will be added to the prize which was won by Liam Boland from Dingle in the draw broadcast on Facebook Live last night.
Donations were made by people buying raffle tickets on Eventbrite from countries across the world, including Australia and the US. To ensure 100% of all donations made went directly to Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, Walsh Whiskey have covered all Eventbrite fees to reach the target of €16,000 for 1,000 hours of nursing care.
The COVID_19 Pandemic is creating serious financial trouble for many charities, including the renowned Jack & Jill Foundation. The Foundation provides specialised nursing care for very young children with highly complex medical and life-threatening conditions, for whom life is uncertain and every day is a challenge.
Thanking everyone who took part, Bernard Walsh said:
Rosemary and I are very grateful to everyone in the wider Walsh Whiskey community that supported these children and their families. The raffle is now concluded, but people who missed it can still donate directly to the Jack & Jill Foundation”
Commenting on behalf of the Jack & Jill Foundation, Carmel Doyle, CEO said: