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Stay Connected with Writers’ Tears this Christmas
Carlow, Ireland
As the old year makes way for the new, perhaps never in our lifetimes have we looked forward so much to the start of a new year, given the historic events of 2020.
After a year that has been incredibly challenging for us all, Writers’ Tears wants to help you pen a message to loved ones for what will be a very different Christmas this year.
As we reflect on 2020, we think of our loved ones, family and friends, near and far, who we may not be able to share the festive season with as we would have liked to.
With that in mind we have created an interactive postcard for you to send to your friends and family, letting them know they are in your thoughts. All you have to do is fill in our digital postcard with a message for your loved one and simply ‘post’ it electronically to let them know you are thinking of them.
Here’s how to do it:
Below is a link to our PDF postcard, which will allow you to input your details and message, and then you simply save the file and email it to your friends and family.
You can send it to as many people as you like, simply changing the message each time.
Alternatively, screenshot the postcard image from our social media channels and ‘write’ your message on the postcard before sharing it digitally across whichever platform you wish.
From our family to yours, we thank you for your friendship throughout 2020 and we wish you a safe, healthy and happy Christmas and New Year. We raise a glass to 2021 and a brighter year for all.
Best wishes,
Bernard, Rosemary and all at Walsh Whiskey